


Thrusters (LRE of small thrust) are intended for generation of steering forces in order to change attitude of space vehicles in orbit.

thruster of 100 N
thruster of 30 N
thruster of 30 N

Their advantages are:
• low mass and overall dimensions
• increased pressure tightness
• high response
• long service life
• high reliability
• operation in both continuous and pulse modes
• consumption of saturated and unsaturated propellants
• availability of pressure annunciator for telemetry control of the thruster operation.

Main technical characteristics

Parameter Cyclone-3 LV thruster of 100 N Cyclone-3 LV thruster of 30 N Okean-O SC thruster of 30 N
Nominal thrust, N 100 30 30
Specific thrust at the continuous mode under the nominal inlet pressure, m/s 2500 2300 2500
Chamber pressure, MPa 0.7


Nominal inlet pressure, MPa 1.35
Nominal propellants mixture ratio 1.61 1.27 1.6
Guaranteed number of restarts 1300 4900

Total firing time, s

200 3600
Supply voltage, V 28
Working temperature range, °C From 0 up to 35
Single run duration, s From 0.21 to 165 From 0.21 to 600
Mass, kg 1.45 1.3

Experience gained during use of these thrusters in the Cyclone-3 launch vehicle and Okean-O spacecraft showed their high reliability and performance capabilities.